GameRail Network discontinued
К великому сожалению в след за самой уважаемой мировой лигой по компьютерным играм CPL, свое существование прекратил еще один проект - GameRail, который являлся официальной игровой сетью лиги на протяжении последних лет. Все пользователи сети получили извещения следующего содержания:
It is with deep regret to announce that the GameRail network has been discontinued at this time. Thank you to the gamers who have participated in the GameRail trial and support of its development as we worked to solve the issues of latency and network quality and their impact on gaming. We believe that latency and network quality will continue to affect the gaming experience and while we are still believers in the GameRail concept, the market does not appear to be ready to support a standalone network for gaming at this time.
GameRail Team